Abstract PDU

class PDU

Bases: object

Abstract Protocol Data Unit

To build a PDU from a buffer:

>>> buf = [
...     170, 187, 204, 221, 238, 255, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 208, 171,
...     00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00,
...     00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00,
...     00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00
... ]
>>> buf = "".join([chr(i) for i in buf])
>>> pdu = EthernetII.from_buffer(buf)

PDU objects supports equality:

>>> pdu1 = EthernetII.from_buffer(buf1)
>>> pdu2 = EthernetII.from_buffer(buf2)
>>> if pdu1 == pdu2:
...     print("Equals")

PDU objects can be copied:

>>> import copy
>>> pdu1 = EthernetII.from_buffer(buf1)
>>> pdu2 = pdu.copy()
>>> pdu3 = copy.copy(pdu1)

PDU objects can be pickled:

>>> import pickle
>>> pdu = EthernetII.from_buffer(buf1)
>>> d = pickle.dumps(pdu)

PDU can be built by concatenation:

>>> pdu = EthernetII() / IP()

PDU is abstract:

>>> from cycapture.libtins import PDU
>>> pdu = PDU()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "cycapture/libtins/pdu_pyx.pxi", line 190, in cycapture.libtins._tins.PDU.__cinit__
    raise NotImplementedError

Copy (deep-copy) the PDU

Returns:PDU (PDU) -- the cloned PDU

Returns a copy of the inner PDU, or None if self has no child

Returns:PDU (PDU) -- A copy of the inner PDU

Search the successive inner PDUs

Parameters:obj (PDU class)
Returns:PDU (PDU) -- a copy of the matching inner PDU
Raises:PDUNotFound (PDUNotFound) -- if no marching PDU is found
find_pdu_by_type(int t)

Search the successive inner PDUs, by PDU type

Parameters:t (int) -- the type of the PDU that you're looking for
Returns:PDU (PDU) -- a copy of the matching inner PDU
Raises:PDUNotFound (PDUNotFound) -- if no marching PDU is found

Factory classmethod, to make a concrete PDU from a buffer

Parameters:buf (bytes or bytearray or memoryview or cython memoryview)
Returns:PDU (PDU) -- The new PDU
Raises:MalformedPacket (MalformedPacket) -- if the given buffer can not be interpreted as an instance of the concrete PDU


Class method

Returns:int -- The PDU type

Checks if the given buffer can be a valid response to the current PDU

Parameters:buf (bytes or bytearray or memoryview or cython memoryview)
Returns:bool -- True if buf is a response to the PDU

Returns a reference to the inner PDU, or None if self has no child

Returns:PDU (PDU) -- A reference of the inner PDU

Returns a reference of the current PDU

Returns:PDU (PDU) -- the reference

Search the successive inner PDUs

Parameters:obj (PDU class)
Returns:PDU (PDU) -- a reference of the matching inner PDU
Raises:PDUNotFound (PDUNotFound) -- if no marching PDU is found

Search the successive inner PDUs, by datalink type

Parameters:t (int) -- the datalink type of the PDU that you're looking for
Returns:PDU (PDU) -- a reference of the matching inner PDU
Raises:PDUNotFound (PDUNotFound) -- if no marching PDU is found
rfind_pdu_by_type(int t)

Search the successive inner PDUs, by PDU type

Parameters:t (int) -- the type of the PDU that you're looking for
Returns:PDU (PDU) -- a reference of the matching inner PDU
Raises:PDUNotFound (PDUNotFound) -- if no marching PDU is found

Serialize the PDU

Returns:bytes -- the PDU as bytes

Replace the inner PDU with obj.


obj is cloned before being set as the inner PDU.

Parameters:obj (PDU) -- the replacement PDU

Returns the PDU's header size (read-only property)


Returns the PDU's size (read-only property)


Returns the PDU's trailer size (read-only property)