
class LibtinsException

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Base exception class used by the cycapture.libtins bindings.

class MalformedAddress

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, exceptions.ValueError

class MalformedPacket

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, exceptions.ValueError

Exception thrown when a malformed packet is parsed.

class MalformedOption

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, exceptions.ValueError

Exception thrown when a malformed option is found.

class OptionNotFound

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, exceptions.ValueError

Exception thrown when an option is not found.

class OptionPayloadTooLarge

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, exceptions.ValueError

Exception thrown when a payload is too large to fit into a PDU option

class FieldNotPresent

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, exceptions.ValueError

Exception thrown when a field is not present in frame.

class PDUNotFound

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException

Exception thrown when a PDU is not found.

class InvalidInterface

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, exceptions.IOError

Exception thrown when send requires a valid interface, but an invalid is used.

class UnknownLinkType

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, exceptions.IOError

Exception thrown when an unkown link layer PDU type is found while sniffing.

class SocketOpenError

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, socket.error

Exception thrown when PacketSender fails to open a socket.

class SocketCloseError

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, socket.error

Exception thrown when PacketSender fails to close a socket.

class SocketWriteError

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, socket.error

Exception thrown when PacketSender fails to write on a socket

class InvalidSocketType

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException, socket.error

Exception thrown when an invalid socket type is provided to PacketSender.

class BadTinsCast

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException

Exception thrown when a call to tins_cast fails.

class ProtocolDisabled

Bases: cycapture.libtins._py_exceptions.LibtinsException

Exception thrown when sniffing a protocol that has been disabled at libtins compile time.